[2025-02-11] MIMOS: the Asynchronous Paradigm andTools for Safety-Critical Software Design (&Updates)
文章来源: | 发布时间:2025-02-10 | 【打印】 【关闭】
2025年度鲁班论坛第1期 | 主讲人:Wang Yi, Uppsala University 讲席教授
时间:2025年2月11日 (周二) 10:00 – 11:00
主讲人:Wang Yi, Uppsala University 讲席教授
MIMOS: the Asynchronous Paradigm andTools for Safety-Critical Software Design(&Updates)
Today, the functionality and economical value of industrial systems and products, such as cars, airplanes, and medical equipment, is defined and realized by embedded software. Dynamic software updates are critical for new features, product customization and security patches, but presently are not well supported for safety-critical systems. MIMOS is a tool environment for the design, simulation, verification, scheduling, and code generation of embedded real-time systems on heterogeneous multi-core platforms. MIMOS primarily targets safety-critical applications, where correct functional and timing behaviors are essential.
The MIMOS tools provide a seamless approach to safe system development, ensuring that the functionalities and timing behaviors of systems, specified and verified during the design phase are faithfully realized in the final implementation. This allows for customizable embedded real-time systems, enabling modifications to the design model without touching the executables in the final implementation. Unlike existing tools such as Simulink and SCADE, which are all rooted in the synchronous design paradigms, MIMOS employs an asynchronous yet deterministic semantics model. This model is designed to not only guarantee (1) determinism but also facilitate (2) composability throughout all design stages, from system modeling to final implementation. This allows for dynamic updates for systems in operation. Furthermore, the asynchronous semantics of MIMOS enables pipelined parallel computation for (3) optimal performance with respects to both end-to-end latency and system throughput.
主讲人:Wang Yi, Uppsala University 讲席教授
Wang Yi is a Chair professor at Uppsala University. He is the recipient of the CAV Award 2013 and the IEEE TC-RTS Award, the recipient of Uppsala University’s Rudbeck Medal, and the recipient of the ERC Advanced Grant. He is also an ERC Panel Member, and the Fellow of ACM & IEEE.