1. 球友会qy

      论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物/会议名称
      GPURoofine: A Model for Guiding Performance Optimizations on GPUs 贾海鹏 2012
      An Insightful Program Performance Tuning Chain for GPU Computing 贾海鹏 2012
      Accelerating Viola-Jones Facce Detection Algorithm on GPUs 贾海鹏 2012
      基于OpenCL的拉普拉斯图像增强算法优化研究 贾海鹏 2012
      A Locality-based Performance Model for Load-and-Compute Style Computation 袁良 2012
      Modeling the Locality in Graph Traversals 袁良 2012
      Summed-Area Table Algorithm Optimization Based on the OpenCL 颜深根 2012
      基于OpenCL的陆续在数据无关访存密集型函数并行与优化研究 蒋丽媛 2012
      基于OpenCL的addWeighted和magnitudeSqr算法性能优化研究 张龙 2012
      异构平台数学库MAGMA性能测试与分析 肖玄基 2012
      Parallelization and performance optimization on face detection algorithm with OpenCL: A case study 张云泉 2012
      Model-driven Level 3 BLAS Performance Optimization on Loongson 3A Processor 张先轶 2012
      Performance Evaluation of Service Orchestration with Dynamic Latency Simulation 张常有 2012
      基于OpenCL的均值平移算法在多个众核平台的性能优化研究 庞旭 2012
      DAE系统中结构指标约简的失效检测与修复 曾艳 2012
      组合松弛理论在DAE仿真算法中的应用 吴学凇 2012
      The Research and Analysis of Hungarian Algorithm in the Structure Index Reduction for DAE 曾艳 2012
      Parallel Construction of Approximate kNN Graph 郑艳梅 2012
      Analysis and Implementation for the Algorithm based on Combinatorial Relaxation for Computing the Structure Index of DAE 曾艳 2012
      用于时域电磁场模拟的可扩展三维求解器 赵瑞峰 2012
      Comparisons of different electromagnetic solvers for accelerator simulations 徐进 2012
      Scalable Solvers for 2D Time Domain Electromagnetic Simulations 主父笑荷 2012
      New six-node and seven-node hexagonal finite elements 杨超 2012
      Parallel computation of continuous Petri nets based on hypergraph partitioning Ding Zuohua 2012
      六边形区域快速傅里叶变换的CUDA-MPI算法及其实现 陈佳杰 2012
      Modeling and simulations of drop pinch-off from liquid crystal filaments and the leaky liquid crystal faucet immersed in viscous fluids 杨霄锋 2012
      Local Poisson SPH For Viscous Incompressible Fluids Xiaowei He 2012
      Unistroke gestures on multi-touch interaction: supporting flexible touches with key stroke extraction Yingying Jiang 2012
      Combining hand-drawn concept maps with RFID tags Yingying Jiang 2012
      WiP Abstract: A Human-Centered Cyber-Physical Systematic Approach for Post-Stroke Monitoring Hongan Wang 2012